Strengthening agri-entrepreneurship and community engagement training in east, West and North Africa
Strengthening agri-entrepreneurship and community engagement training in east, West and North Africa
Innovative learning and co-creation of teaching methodology for scaling enterpreneurship in food and agribusiness in sub-saharan africa
992.950,00 €
Improvement of Children care Teaching as a template for modernising Postgraduate medical education in Central Asia
Latin American consensus for the internationalization in postgraduate education
€ 999.500,00
L'enseignement supérieur algérien à l'heure de la gouvernance universitaire
€ 975.720,00
Professionalization of Result-based Healthcare Management through Distance Education and Simulation-Based Training
Licence professionelle en formation ouverte et à distance pour la performance énergétique et environnementale des batiments en fédération de russie, en chine et en azerbaidjan
Curriculum development joint europan political science MA
Hiedtec modernisation of higher education in central Asia through new technologies
998.773,00 euro
Improving healthcare outcomes in chronic disease - enhancing the curriculum at masters level
€ 999.788,00