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In 2020, the Alliance entitled “
European Campus of City-Universities, EC2U” was selected by the European Commision, under the flagship “European Universities initiative” of the Erasmus+ programme (call 2019 “Erasmus+ Key Action 2 – European Universities).

The EC2U ambition started well before, with first discussions on the concept of the European Campus of City-Universities held in 2017 and the University of Pavia has been a member of the Alliance since its beginning. However, the cooperation between EC2U partners is much older, as members of the Coimbra Group network created in 1985.

EC2U Alliance brings together eight historic and multidisciplinary universities (Coimbra, Iasi, Jena, Linz, Pavia, Poitiers-coordinator, Salamanca, Turku), which share a strong international vocation and, at the same time, strong roots in the territory, a factor that makes them city-universities. This Alliance also includes the eight municipalities as associated partners, as well as other socio-economic players in the area (Technology centres, Student associations, Chambers of commerce).

The ambition of the alliance is to develop an open and innovative space allowing free mobility among its universities and cities, forming a single community of 160.000 students and 20.000 staff members, in direct reach to 160.0000 citizens, thus overcoming clichéd views of regional and national identities.

The Alliance will reach this ambition by creating a true pan-European campus, connected by a sense of shared European identity, and by developing a smart higher education ecosystem through a new model of quality education for an inclusive society.

Four United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) are a reference point:

  • SDG #3 “Good Health and Well-Being”
  • SDG #4 “Quality Education”
  • SDG #11 “Sustainable Cities and Communities”
  • SDG #16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”

Some of the actions of the project, such as the establishment of four Joint Masters and Virtual Institutes, develop around these UNSDGs.

The EC2U Alliance is characterised by:

  • A joint governance with shared resources and federal budget
  • A inter-university, joint campus life with culture/sports events
  • Customised joint Master programmes based on selected UNSDGs: Good Health & Well-Being, Quality Education, Sustainable Cities & Communities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • Drastically increased and geographically balanced mobility (physical, virtual, blended) of students and staff
  • Virtual Institutes (VIs) combining education, research, and innovation in missions based on the aforementioned UNSDGs
  • A unique partnership between academia, cities, and socio-economic stakeholders via the annual EC2U Forum
  • European Diplomas and staff career plans with embedded/blended mobility
  • European/international impact


EC2U offers short mobility opportunities for students, professors and staff.
For more information, please write to


EC2U Flyer 2023

