Tramite i Blended Intensive Programmes l’Università di Pavia offre ai propri studenti la possibilità di potersi formare all’estero presso prestigiose Università Europee anche per brevi periodi.

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Prevention and resolution of disputes in international sales transactions The BIP aims to introduce students into the goals and different ways of international harmonization of private and commercial law (unification as well as approximation of domestic laws in view of cross-border civil and commercial cases between citizens and companies of different countries). University of Wurzburg
Sustainable Europe: Policy Proposals and Indicators (SEPPI) The BIP aims to work on challenging issues for a sustainable development future in Europe, including: a) inclusive growth; b) climate change; c) youth challenges; d) 4thindustrial revolution; e) People on the move. University of Gent
Political Sciences
Sustainable initiatives for a changing world (SIC) The project will seek the visibility and elaboration of good practices of sustainable development from the disciplines of the students through the methodology of Participatory Action Research (PAR). University of Loyola

Political and Social Sciences

Clinical skills training for pharmacists in general practice

The project will focus on complementary activities and training that can be offered to students who aim to become community pharmacists in order to help them managing all their new missions to the patients. Université ParisSaclay

STEAM Education and Social Innovation

The concept of sustainable development that will be worked on contains the three elements: social, environmental, and economic. The sessions will work on the interdependence of the three components as the key to sustainable development. Institute of Information Sciences and Administration – ISCIA (Portugal) Scienze Economiche e Aziendali

Sustainable Infill Development

Students from architectural studies of different country will have the possibility to participate at lectures, study visits and design activities on a specific area in the Polish city of Opole. Opole University of Technology (Poland) Ingegneria Edile e Architettura