€ 997.260
Logo Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education

SAHA aims to increase education readiness  in response to today’s main challenges of Libya (peace enforcing, healthcare access for Libyan civilian and military population; public health, employment and economic growth), especially within the field of healthcare services, which are the ones that employ the highest number of people and are able to produce, faster than by any other means, social equity, wealth redistribution and the full exercise of a social right (the Health),  enhance the relevance of higher education in the field of Healthcare Management for the labor market and society; improve the level of competences and skills in Libyan HEIs by developing new and innovative education programmes in Performance and Healthcare Management; promote voluntary convergence of training offers in Healthcare Management of Libyan HEIs, with developments in this filed in European HEIs, foster a peaceful and safe environment for teaching, learning and doing research.