Total Budget:
€ 581.670,00
UNIPV Budget:
€ 145.932,00
Logo Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education

The central idea of the project is to foster the research capacities of Latin American Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the field of development macroeconomicsthrough the help of world leading experts working with the European universities of the consortium.

Emphasis will be given on building macroeconomic models to evaluate the potential impact of macroeconomic policies for justice, sustainable development and inclusive growth, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Sustainability is to be understood as social, financial and environmental. After severe world crisis of 2007-2009, economists worldwide recognized the importance of macroeconomic modelling to define the development trajectory of any given economy and its social, financial and environmental features. The so-called Stock-Flow models have proven to be the more palatable alternative emerging.

With economic modelling and forecasting being increasingly requested for sustainable development and policy making, MAJIG intends to respond to the necessity to shape a figure able to address today’s policy and market needs promptly. The project will be pivotal for the effective upskilling and reskilling of competences, according to today’s job market’s needs and requests, boosting employability and response to development challenges.