JobTeaser is the new platform to help students and graduates in their search for professional opportunities, especially abroad.
It contains more than 14,000 international internships and job vacancies provides free access to more than 250 company profiles.
On Jobteaser you will find:
- the Job section, where international internship and job offers are published. Adverts can be filtered by target (only UNIPV students/all students) and by company type (UNIPV partner companies/all companies) and can be consulted using search keys and tags. You will also find internship offers with an Erasmus tag, meaning that these are offered by institutions or enterprises which are partners of UNIPV within the Erasmus programme.
You are free to apply to all the vacancies on the platform. - Your Dashboard, where you will have to complete your personal/professional profile in and upload an updated CV. Here you can also keep track of your applications and activate customisable e-mail notifications to be updated weekly on events and new international internship and job offers that match your profile.
- The Companies section, which collects the profiles of the companies registered on the Platform, with business descriptions, social channels, profiles searched for, videos and career guidance advice;
You can enter through the link with the same credentials used for the Area Riservata
Jobteaser is also available on app

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