Total Budget:
€ 999.788,00
UNIPV Budget:
€ 87.081,00
IHOD – Improving healthcare outcomes in chronic disease – enhancing the curriculum at masters levelInvolved UNIPV structure
Prof Giovanni Ricevuti, Prof. Ciro Esposito, Prof. Gian Battista Parigi
Start Date: 15 Oct 2017
End Date: 14 Oct 2020
Full Partners:
University of Pavia – Italy, Universitat Politecnica De Valencia – Spain, Siberian State Medical University Of The Federal Healthcare And Social Development – Russia, Kazan Innovative University – Russia, Far Eastern Federal University – Russia, The First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University – Russia, Bukhara State Medical Institute – Uzbekistan, Dai Hoc Thai Nguyen – Vietnam, Hanoi Medical University – Vietnam, Lietuvos Sveikatos Mokslu Universitetas – Lituania, Tashkent Medical Academy – Uzbekistan

Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death in partner countries Uzbekistan, Vietnam, and Russia. All governments of the partner countries have prioritized action related to chronic diseases. The World Health Organization emphasizes the need to increase the capacity of healthcare workers in this sector and has noted that primary healthcare staff training is inadequate to address diabetes. To improve health outcomes and reduce the economic burden of chronic diseases, better postgraduate training is required. There are few or no provisions in the partner countries in the specific area addressed by this project. The specific objective of the project is to support the modernization of the curriculum by developing new and innovative courses and methodologies in master’s-level health studies related to chronic diseases.
The main outcomes are:
- Conduct a study trip to EU universities
- Develop the approach and requirements for the master’s program
- Develop study programs in line with ECTS guidelines
- Development of 12 modules and short courses
- Develop a staff training and mobility program
- Organize three one-week courses to enhance skills in the EU
- Manage 32 one-week “train the trainers” courses at partner higher education institutions
- Launch the Master’s with additional “trainer training” courses
- Conduct 3 one-month student mobilities
The impact of the project will be felt in the healthcare sector by training healthcare workers in the new curricula, namely the use of a holistic approach to patient care and the promotion of public health, which serves as a model for other industry specialists.
The ultimate beneficiaries of the project are patients who ultimately benefit from improved healthcare skills and governments that can reduce the costs of treating chronic diseases.