The Master in Cooperation and Development in Pavia is a highly professional intensive course of 15 months open to students from all over the world from the most diverse countries and academic backgrounds.
The goal is to create professionals who can work in the field of International Cooperation at Non-governmental Organizations, International Organizations, Research Institutes, Public and Private Bodies around the world.
The course, entirely in English, provides more than 400 hours of teaching with a particular focus on economic issues related to sustainable development and design for development through an intensive training on Project Cycle Management.
After completing 8 months of full-time residential teaching in Pavia, students are offered the opportunity to enter the world of Cooperation through internships on the field from 3 to 6 months at non-governmental organizations, Research Institutes, Government Agencies, Private Entities and Partner Organizations worldwide.
To complete their study path, students will have to discuss their research thesis elaborated during the internship experience in the field.

Immagine esemplificativa del Master in Cooperation and Development dell'Università di Pavia

c/o Almo Collegio Borromeo
Piazza del Collegio Borromeo, 9
27100 Pavia – Italy

Telefono: +39 0382.395504


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