Strengthening agri-entrepreneurship and community engagement training in east, West and North Africa
Strengthening agri-entrepreneurship and community engagement training in east, West and North Africa
Innovative learning and co-creation of teaching methodology for scaling enterpreneurship in food and agribusiness in sub-saharan africa
992.950,00 €
Improvement of Children care Teaching as a template for modernising Postgraduate medical education in Central Asia
Latin American consensus for the internationalization in postgraduate education
€ 999.500,00
L'enseignement supérieur algérien à l'heure de la gouvernance universitaire
€ 975.720,00
Enhancing Resilience through Teacher Education
Professionalization of Result-based Healthcare Management through Distance Education and Simulation-Based Training
Becoming a digital global engineer
European interdisciplinary master african studies
Strategic Partnership for the implementation of the University International cooperation and human action network