Logo Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education
€ 997.260,000
Logo Erasmus+ KA2

The overall objective of SAHA is to support the modernization, accessibility and internationalization of the Libyan higher education institutions in the field of Health Economics and Healthcare Management. The project aims to increase education readiness in response to today’s main challenges of Libya, in the field of healthcare services, enhancing the relevance of higher education in the field, and improving the level of competences and skills in Libyan HEIs by developing new and innovative education programs.

The specific objectives of the projects are the following: 1) Enhancing HEIs human resources capacities in the field of Health Economics and Healthcare Management; 2) Promoting a reform process in the field of the Libyan health system through a participatory approach and by involving national and international stakeholders, Universities’ representatives, public authorities; 3) Reinforce the reliability of data and statistics related to health management in the country by setting up health management data centers in each of the involved Universities.