Logo progetto ENRETE – Enhancing Resilience Through Teacher Education
299.995,00 €
Logo Erasmus+

ENRETE project seeks to improve the quality and relevance of higher education by focusing on the development of innovative curricula with high relevance to Europe’s current socio-economic context.

The overall aim of the project is to contribute to the creation of learning environments through teacher education that promotes the resilience and growth of marginalised learners by providing them with the tools, resources and learning contexts which facilitate their academic and social and emotional learning and consequently their social inclusion and active citizenship.

To achieve this aim the project will develop a set of modules for teacher education at Masters level, tailored to build up educators’ competence in responding to, and addressing, the academic, social and emotional needs of learners at risk in their development and education, particularly learners from ethnic, linguistic, and migrant communities, from socio-economic disadvantage and also learners with learning difficulties and individual educational needs. In the first year of the project, the partners will develop 10 modules which will be both internally and externally evaluated.

In the second year of the project, the modules will be piloted with 20 teachers in each of the six partner countries, following which the modules will be reviewed and finalised.