€ 2.888.000,00
Glodep – Global Development Policy- UNIPV structure involved
Department of Economics and Management UNIPV Team
Prof. Maria SassiProject Duration
4 consecutive intakesStart Date: 01 Sep 2020
End Date: 31 Aug 2025Coordinator
Palacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic)Full Partners
University of Clermont Auvergne, University of PaviaAcademic associate partners
University of Johannesburg, Royal University of Bhutan, Universidad Externado de Colombia , Universitè Hassan II de Casablanca, University of Bethlehem, International Ataturk-Alatoo UniversityNon-academic associate partners
Travaux Publics Sans Frontières, People in Need PDCS – Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia, EDI Global, We World, Save the Children Italia

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in International Development Studies (GLODEP) is a two-year multidisciplinary master program in development studies, with an economic grounding and policy perspective. GLODEP has a fixed structure: first semester at Palacky University (Olomouc, Czech Republic), second semester at the University Clermont Auvergne(Clermont-Ferrand, France) and third semester at the University of Pavia (Pavia, Italy). The fourth semester is dedicated to an internship or research stay, preferably with one of the fourteen associated partners of the consortium (see Academic Associates and Non-Academic Associates); and to thesis writing.
The aim of GLODEP is to prepare professionals in the field of development policy and practice. GLODEP provides the students with comprehensive knowledge and skills to analyze development issues and to design and promote development policies at national, regional and international levels.
GLODEP has two defining features. First, it links the areas of development studies and development economics, offering insights from economics and other fields, such as geography, environmental studies, and political science. Second, the applied character of the program is reflected in the course contents where the policy (project) dimension is emphasized.
GLODEP enables the graduates to work in higher-level positions (for example as government policy officers and project managers) in international organizations (e.g. UN agencies, World Trade Organization, development banks), non-governmental organizations (e.g. Oxfam and World Vision) and in governments (e.g. national development agencies and various ministries), as well as in businesses; with a focus on sustainable economic and human development.