€ 1.587.146,00
Budget UNIPV
€ 36.641,00
AI2MED – Artificial Intelligence in Medical Care: Reducing Errors and Saving Lives
Unipv structure involved
Dipartimento di Sanità pubblica, Medicina sperimentale e forense
Prof.ssa Rachele De Giuseppe – rachele.degiuseppe@unipv.it
Project Duration
36 months
Start date: 01 February 2024
End date: 31 January 2027
Algebra University College (Croatia)
Full Partners:
University of Pavia (Italy), Technische Informationsbibliothek (Germany), Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy), Kelyon (Italy), Institute Jožef Štefan (Slovenia), Bird Consulting (Croatia), Griffith College (Ireland), Lean Startup Croatia (Croatia), University of Montenegro (Montenegro), Royal College of Surgeons (Ireland)

The DIEM project´s primary goal is to make student mobility opportunities more accessible, especially for those with fewer opportunities, aligning with the core priorities of the Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027, the European Education Area, and the Strategic Framework for Cooperation in Education and Training.
Through rigorous evaluation, data analysis, and policy research, the DIEM project aims to identify barriers hindering access to mobility and propose effective solutions.