Inclusive Innovation And Social Entrepreneurship
The main aim of the program “Inclusive Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship” is to provide participants with a universal and
The main aim of the program “Inclusive Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship” is to provide participants with a universal and
Seven years after the launch of the 2030 Agenda, much remains to be done. We are in the decade
It aims to experiment methods of acquiring knowledge on Cultural Heritage in order to its enhancement and public use.
The aim if the BIP is to both challenge and inspire you by excellent academic opportunities and great social
帕维亚:一座为学生量身打造的大学城 早在六百多年前帕维亚就借着大学的优势成为了一座大学城。今天的帕维亚是一座宜居的小城市, 大学的教室、实验室、体育馆和其它各类设施之间仅一步之遥。 目前帕维亚大学共开设有25门全英文授课的本硕专业,涵盖以下学科:人工智能、工程、政治经济 、人文、医学与心理、理科。点击链接进入网申页面: 除此之外,中国学生还可以通过马可·波罗计划报读帕维亚大学。请点击网站链接了解更多与马可·波 罗计划有关的信息。 欢迎浏览大学全新的中文网站!
VERY-M aims to address the recognition and communication of architectural heritage by exploring the ways in which modernity has
SPART aims at fostering socially situated forms of architectural pedagogies paired with innovation in Higher Education Institutions and beyond.
Il progetto „Clausura23“ sarà realizzato grazie alla collaborazione di piccoli gruppi internazionali durante un periodo di 10 giorni. Sono
L'Università di Coimbra e i partner EC2U organizzano un Blended Intensive Programme sul tema: Democrazia, Ambiente e Natura Umana:
Il programma Erasmus+ offre al personale tecnico-amministrativo e ai collaboratori ed esperti linguistici (CEL) un contributo per svolgere un breve periodo di formazione all'estero! Pronto a partire?