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Erasmus Charter for Higher Education

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-27   L'Università di Pavia ha ottenuto il rinnovo della Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE)

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education2021-03-31T11:06:56+00:00

Jobteaser University of Pavia

JobTeaser is a new career portal adopted by the University of Pavia to support students and graduates on their international career path. It

Jobteaser University of Pavia2021-03-26T14:25:39+00:00

Grading system

Grading system In the Italian university grading system, examinations are graded from 0-30, with 18 as the pass mark

Grading system2021-12-21T12:06:44+00:00

Request a Buddy

Unipv offers to international students the opportunity to be matched with a Buddy! Buddies are local students who will

Request a Buddy2020-12-07T11:34:30+00:00
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